The Tablet from rusgat. By the Rev. A. H. Royce,
D.D., and Theophilns G. Pinches, LL.D. (Royal Asiatic Society. 5s.)—The tablet discussed in these pages is a fragment, the original having been, according to various estimates, four times or six times as large. It is in the ancient Cappadocian language (with, many Aesyristi words intermixed) and in Cuneiform script. The authors of the pamphlet do not venture on a translation, showing thereby a wise caution., It is easy, however, to see that their examination of the contents ins added largely to the sum of knowledge in this province. Though the tablet itself cannot be confidently read, yet Professor Sayce (who writes Part II., Dr. Pinches contributing Part I.) tells us that by its help it is now possible to explain some passages in the two Arzawa letters.