Chats on Old Jewellery and Trinkets. By MacIver Percival. (Fisher
Unwin. 5s. not.)—We can recommend this book to people who wish to identify their old ornaments and also to those who
want advice as to what to choose and what to reject in a curiosity shop. First comes a glossary from which we can learn the meaning of many technical words, and this is followed by an interesting historical sketch of jewellery from ancient times down to the middle of the nineteenth century. There are also chapters on special subjects, such as "Peasant," or, as Mr. Percival prefers to call it, "Provincial Jewellery," "Painters and Goldsmiths," "Cameos and Intaglios," "Pinchbeck," and several others, all very pleasantly written, and well worth reading. The book is well illustrated, with many full-page plates and a number of line drawings in the text, which will be of great help to the collector and the amateur In "placing" doubtful pieces.