29 JUNE 1912, page 12

Through Greece And Dalmatia.

Through Greece and Dalmatia. By Mrs. Russell Barrington. (A. and C. Black. 7s. 6d. net.)—Mrs. Barrington's diary, with its excellent illustrations, is likely to attract many......

A. New Volume In The "international Critical Commentary"...

The work was originally assigned to Dr. A. B. Davidson ; but that eminent divine had made very little progress with it at the time of his death. No one who is acquainted with......

The Gentle Art.

The Gentle Art : Some Sketches and Studies. By Henry Lamond. With 8 illustrations by the author. (John Murray. (Is. net.)— Mr. Lamond's book is likely to appeal to Scottish more......

Liberal Judaism.

Outlines of Liberal Judaism. By Claude G. Montefiore. (Mac- millan and Co. 2s. 6d. net.)—Mr. Claude Montellore tells us that his new book consists of "rough notes and......

Complete Yield Tables For British Woodlands.

Complete Yield Tables for British Woodlands. By P. Trentham Maw. (Crosby Lockwood and Son. 75. 6d. net.)—We cannot do much more than recommend this volume to the attention of......

Books On Railways And Inland Transport.

The Railway Conquest:of the World. By F. A. Talbot. (W. Heine- mann. 6s. net.)—The subject is too big, we are inclined to think, for one book. The survey of the whole system of......