The new Cabinet in France will apparently be more Con-
servative than was expected. The new Minister of Justice, M. Fallieres, has not abandoned the project of a new Press .Law, as M. Bourgeois was understood to promise, but has only modified it. He is inclined to punish serious libels through the Magistracy, just as assaults are punished, but to leave mere defamation to be tried by juries as at present. The Bureau examining the measure rejected this proposal, and intend to recommend that the Bill be thrown out, a decision which, if the Cabinet persists, will lead to a fresh cleavage between the Government and the Radicals. It is probable that it will persist, M. Fallieres, who is a strong Liberal, having publicly confessed that "he had underrated the power of the un-
scrupulous section of the Press," and now believed it indis- pensable to protect officials against its attacks.