Letters To The Editor.
THE TITHES BILL. [TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—The vacancy in Car narvonshire happens at an opportune moment, for it will show the Government what the Welsh people......
The Donegal Peasantry.
[TO THE EDITOE OF THE " SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—B1 my letter about Donegal, the name of the landlord. should be Swiny, not " Irving." He lives near this, on the old territory of his......
A Pen-and-ink Sketch From Ober- A Mmrrgaii. Prospective...
FORMERLY there was a drive of six hours or more from the nearest railway-station to Ober-Ammergan. Now there is but a distance of six miles. The approach to the village is very......
Landowners And The Land.
[To THE EDITOR OW THE " SPECTATOR. " ] Sia,---Nothing impressed me more in Scotland than the way in which lovely stretches of heather were hemmed in and barricaded by......
The Great Coal Strike.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Snit,—In your proposal for the creation of State Arbitrators,. may I submit that your reviewer has omitted to suggest one important......