Epsom Races commenced on Tuesday. The attendance on that day seems to have been unaffected by political excitement in the Metro- polis. The weather was fine, and the plates were satisfactorily filled. The Craven Stakes were won by Mr. Dixon's Saracen filly, ridden by Bell ; and the Shirley Stakes by Lord Albemarle's Minaret, ridden by Cotton.
On Wednesday, the Derby day, the concourse was immense : not even with the Queen's visit was last year's assemblage more numerous. Indeed, it is said that so great a multitude was never before collected together to see a horse-race. Among the distinguished persons present, were Lord John Russell, Lord Lichfield, the Marquis of Normanby, the Duke of Rutland, the Duke of Beaufort, the Duke of Bedford, the Marquis of Westminster, the Earl of Uxbridge, the Earl and Countess of Albemarle, Lord Maidstone, Lord W. Russell, Lord G. Bentinek, the Honourable G. Anson, the Honourable H. Baring, and the Honourable G. S. Byng. The betting on the grand race differed somewhat in town and on the course. In town, Marshal Souk, Ralph, and Coronation, were backed at 4 to 1 each, Soult having at one time the call: on the course Coro- nation closed at 5 to 2 (taken.) The rest of the horses stood thus- 5 to 1 against Ralph (taken); 7 to 1 against Marshal Soult (taken); 9 to 1 against Belgrade; t tl to 1 against Van Amburgh ; 13 to 1 against (.alaor (taken); 25 to against Joachim, against Knightsbridge, and against Ermeugardis; 30 to 1 against Sir Hans; 33 to 1 against Potentia; and 50 to I against E. 0.
The following is a demi-official report of the race.
"By two o'clock the weighing was completed, and in about another hour the largest field of horses ever seen since Memnon's race for the St. Leger ap- peared at the post. Of course it was not to be expected that the race could be got over without false starts : six or seven occurred, and it was nearly four o'clock before a successful one was accomplished. After the first two hundred yards Ralph took the lead at a good but not by any means great pace, followed by Chamelion, Coronation, Potentia, Arundel, and Joachim; a ruck of horses lying at their heels, so closely packed that we cannot undertake to specify their order. Chamelion held the second place to the mile-post, where he headed Ralph, and went on with the running till near the turn, where he gave up, and shortly after dropped into the crowd. Ralph resumed his lead, and maintained it into the straigh: running, where he was in difficulty, and before he reached the road was fairly beaten ; Poteutia was also beaten here, and being in the Oaks, was pulled up. Coronation, who had all along been going 'within himself,' now took a commanding lead at an improved pace, Arundel second, and Van Am- burgh, who had crept up from the centre in rounding the corner, third : very little more remains to be told.. Van Amburgh defeated Arundel at the dis- tance, but never reached Coronation, who retained his lead and won with the most perfect ease by three lengths, being the first favourite that has won since Bay Middleton's year. It is not too much to add, that the performance will bear comparison with any Derby on record, and that if he keeps well to the day, the St. Leger is almost a certainty.' Mustapha Maley and E. 0. ran in the crowd until they neared the distance, but by going on,' they gained upon Arundel every stride, and opposite the winning-post were so nearly level that each jockey claimed to be third. We should say that Mustapha Muley beat E. 0. by a head, and that Arundel was a neck from E. 0.; about three lengths separated the trio from Van Amburgh. The next lot consisted of Galaor, Ralph, Belgrade, and Eringo ; but what followed them we could not ascertain. Marshal Sunk, with whom Lord Westminster declared to win, never reached the front and was beaten before he got into straight running. The last horses in the race were Mr. Rush's colt, Mongolian, (broke down,) and St. Cross. Value of the stakes, 4,2751. We understand that Mr. Rawlioson wins about 8,000L in addition to the stake, but that the largest winner is Mr. Isaac Day, who of late has bad the management of the horse. Most of the betting-men are losers, and the settling is likely to be heavy one." The Epsom Stakes were won by Mr. King's Dahlia, beating Mr. Walters's Sir George and Mr. Wright's Folly.
The Walton Stakes were won by Captain Gard nor's Ethon ; and the Burgh Stakes by Mr. Greville's Pickwick ; both races being closely ran. There was no betting on the course for the Oaks. The Oaks drew a considerable number of spectators to the course yesterday, though the attendance was thin compared with the multi- tudes assembled on Wednesday.. The racing, however, was good. The chief stakes of the day were won by the Marquis of Westminster's Ghuznee ; Mr. Dixon's Miss Stilton was second.