29 MAY 1841, page 13

The Leeds Mercury Of This Day Contains The Report Of

a meeting of Liberal electors, to the number of 10,000 or 12,000, on Tuesday, at which letters of resignation from Sir William Molesworth and Mr. Baines - were read ; and after......

The Following Appeared In A Second Edition Of The Morning

Herald today— "On Thursday, the Chamber of Deputies empowered the Minister of Finance to inscribe upon the great book of the Public Debt, and to negotiate with pub- licity and......

The Queen And The Court Leave Town Today For Windsor

Castle. Viscount Melbourne bad an audience of the Queen today ; and then attended a Cabinet Council at the Foreign Office. All the Ministers were present.......

Money Market.

STOCK EXCHANGE. FRIDAY AVTERN00/1: The principal feature in the business of the week has been the settlement of the Consul Account, on Tuesday ; but as the speculative......


SATURDAY NIGHT. The adjourned debate on Sir Robert Peel's resolution was resumed by Mr. hirtztEs ; who saw no power that the Ministry had but that of thwarting the measures of......


The Chronicle Of This Morning Contains The Usual Show Of

public meetings in support of the Ministerial agitation. In the Metropolis, the inhabitants of the borough of Lambeth as- sembled. Some Chartists put forward their amendment ;......

The Thunder-storm Which Visited The Metropolis On...

extended over a large space in the surrounding country, and was even more violent at a distance. In the Forest of Berkshire, huge hailstones fell amidst terrific thunder and......

The Chamber Of Commerce In Limerick Have Carried, By An

over- whelming majority, petitions to both Houses of Parliament against the Ministerial propositions respecting the Corn-laws and Colonial timber. A meeting of the South Essex......