29 MAY 1841, Page 21



BRITISH (Closing Tuesday. Prices.) Widnes. Thurs. Friday. FU Saturday -- N OS. lfunday.

Spar Cent. Consols 90 90 901 90 891 90 Ditto for Account 891 90 901 904 904 904 3 Der Cents. Reduced 881 881 881 881 881 881 St per Cents. Reduced 974


974 971


971 New 34 per Cents. 981 941 99 99 99 99 Long Annuities 121 121 121 121 121 121 Bank Stock, 7 per cent

169 169

1684 1694 India Stock 104 168 252 -

2524 2534 Exchequer Bills 244. p. diem 8 pm. 10 8 9 9 11 India Bonds,. 4 per cent. . par - - 2pm. 1 Par FOREIG N FUNDS.

(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Alabama (Sterling) Sp. Ct. Arkansas (1813) 6 - Anstrian. 5 - Belgian 5 - Brazilian 5 - - 100 68 Ditto (Deferred) 5p. CS. Ditto 6 Ditto (Deferred) 6 Michigan 6 Mississippi (Sterling) 5 94 Buenos Ayres 6 - 23 Neapolitan 5

Cuba 6 -

New York (1855' ) 82 Chilian 6 -

Ohio 6


Columbian of 1824 6 - 211 Pennsylvania 5

Danish 3 -

Peruvian 6

Dutch (Ex 12 Guilders). 24 -


Portuguese 3 201 Ditto (Ditto) 5 - 100 Ditto 5 62 French 3 -

Ditto (New) 5 344

Ditto s -

Indiana (Sterling) 5 - 114E50c, Russian 5 Spanish 1124 231 Illinois 6 -

Ditto (Passive)


Keutneky 6 -

Ditto (Deferred)


Louisiana (Sterliug)....5 -

South Carolina ...... ...5 p. Ct

Maryland ..............6 - 75 Tennessee 6 -

Nassachussetts(sterling,)5 - 75 United States Bank. 31 Mexican 5 - 284 Virginia


(Last Official Quotation during the Week, ending Friday Evening.)


Bolanos Brazilian Imperial Ditto (St. John del Rey) British Iron Cata Branca Caudonga Cobre Copper


Eastern Counties arena Junction Great Western Liverpool and Manchester London and Brighton Loudon and Blackwell London and Greenwich London and Birmingham Loudon and South-Western London and Croydon Manchester and Leeds Midland Counties North Midland South Eastern and Dover BULLION. METALS.

Geld, Foreign In Rant per us. Old Spanish or Pillar Dollar.. Mexican Dollars Silver in Bars, Standard

0 4 104 Lean. British Pig 19 10 0- 0 0

31. 17s. 9d. Copper, British Cakes-per ton 59%. 04. to 01 05.

O 5 0 Steel, English 32 0 0- 60 9 O It 0 Iron, British. Rare 7 5 0- 0 0•

GRAIN. Mans Lem. May 28th.


Town-made per sack 35, to 59s. Seconds_ 50 - 55 Essex and Suffolk, on board ship ... 45 - 50 Norfolk and Stockton 40 -- 45 BRAN per quarter Os. to Os. POLLARD, fine Ow. to Ow. BREAD, 71d. to PO. the 41b. Loaf.

HAY and STRAW. (Per load of 36 Trusses.)


Hay, Good 54•. IOUs



Clover 114 .. 120 .. .. 80 . 117 90 ..

110 110 .. 113 Straw, Wheat 40 . 45 .... 40 .. 42 33 . 43 30 .. 42


Rent Pockets 100s. to 140s. I Scotch Reds per ton 400. to 001.

Choice Duo ISO -s20 1 Warr 0 -- 0 Susie: Pockets 100 - ISO Middling 0 ..- II

Sauerfloe Ditto 180 - 160 Chat. 0 - I


Our trade this morning in Beasts is not even MI go--,d as on Monday, there being a great want of demand, in consequence, principally, of the heat of the weather; and. the value of the very best descriptions in the market can barely be quoted at 4s. 81.„ with ordinary qualities at a decline of 44. Of Sheep, there is a large supply for the business doing, and a depression of prices; choice Wethers, however, produce 5s. 64., that is. clipped, there being scarcely any woolled sorts now here. The disposal of Lambs is by no means brisk. yet very nice onea are a little dearer than before, some buyers giving for such kinds about 6s. 10d. Calves are cheaper by full 44. from the prices last given, 5s. 44. being their outside terms. In Pigs there is no alteration worth notice.


Beef . 3.. 6d. to 44. Od. to 44. 41. 5, tid.to 44. 44. to 44. ad,

Mutton 8 8 .■ 4 0 .. 5 is . 4 o ..410 .. 5 2 Veal 4 2 .. b I .. 5 4 Pork IS .. 4 4 .. 5 0 OS .. 4 6 .. 5 4

Lamb 6 2 .. 0 0 .. 6 10 • To sink the offal..-per8lbe.


Bemis, Sheep. Calve.. pl., Friday. .... ........ .. 074 5,700 455



TEA, Bisbee, fine, p. lb. le. 641...- In U.

Congou, fine 2 S - a • Souchong, fine I. 9 - 5 6 • In liond-Dwy 44. Id. per lb COFFEE, fine (in bd) p,rwl, lays. 131.

Good Ordinary 77a 05. SUGAR, M. °redo.. per cwt. 35e. 1111. West India Molasses.. 23s. rd.. to Us. Od. Banks-

Australasian 59 British North American Colouial 354 Hibernian London and Westminster London Joint Stock 38 National of Ireland 16 National Provincial Provincial of Ireland 424 Union of Australia 331

93 Union of London Docks-

454 East and West India. ..... 100

181 London 70 8 St. Katherine 97 Miscellaneous-

55 Australian Agricultural 134 British American Land Canada 88 General Steam

es South Australian 15 Van Diemen's Land 81


BUTTER-Best Freak, 13..0d. per too Carlow, el. Os. to I. re. per em BACON, Small New, per cwt. 54s. to 584. CHEESE. Cheshire 03.1. 84s, Derby, Plain 67.. to 74e. HAMS, York 70e. to Ms.

EGGS. French... per 120 40. 65 to 5s. 98.


Rev Oil porton 441. Os. Refined. 45 le Linseed Oil 57 0

Lin eed Oil, .per 1909 13 10 CANDLES, er dom.. 7. rd • toe. 131. Monate ( d. per doe. discount) 9s. td. COALS, Helton ... ...per ton son d.

Tem 00e. 61. Wheat.Red New 50 5. 02 40 Rye 204040 Maple 86 to 40 Oats.Feed 19 to 20 Fine 58 .. 89. Barley .. 08 . 28 White. 94 38 Flee. ... 21 .. 22 While 50 .. 52 Malting BO so

Boilers.. ... 86 .. as Poland .... re . 55

Fine 54..56 Malt, Ordinary. 50 .. 56 Beans, Ticks... 94 ..08 Fine 25 . 26 S7ertine New 62 66 Eine Old 40 Potato 05 .. 06

Peas, Hog 34. 80 Manor. . Fine 57 28 AVERAGE PR Per Quarter (Imperial) DUTY ON FOREIGN CF:. OF CORN. I re

of England and Wales. For the present

CORN Week.

Wheat 53.. dot. Rye. ..... 354 65. Wheat Os. Yd. Rye ts..M• Barley SI 8 1 Beam 98 5 !Barley 15 4 Beane 12 4

Oat... . SIL 11 1 Pena 88 0 I Oats 13 0 Pao HI 6