THE week has been only marked by a considerable surrender on the part of Government, Mr. Gladstone having agreed, at a meeting of the Liberal Party, held at the Foreign Office on Thursday, to readmit Irish Members when Imperial questions are discussel, to withdraw the Bill if the second reading is carrie and to introduce a new Bill in an October Session. The calculation is that the postponement of a dissolution will be welcome, and that many Radicals who dislike the Bill will, under this programme, make peace with their Committees. It is exceedingly doubtful if the calculation will succeed, and the beat opinion now is that the division will be taken on Tuesday night, and that the Government will be beaten by a small majority. This is, however, an occasion on which men postpone resolve to the twelfth hour ; and even on Monday, for which day all Parnellites are specially summoned to the House, inci- dents may occur, or speeches may be made, which will change many votes.