Windsor. By W. J. Loftie. (seeley And Co.)—the Chief...
of this book lies naturally in the illustrations. These consist of twelve full-page pictures, all but the frontispiece (a reproduction in photogravure of Mr. Boehm's statue of......
Current Literature.
With its June number, the Scottish Church enters upon the second year of what promises to be a vigorous life. As this is in Scotland the specially ecclesiastical period of the......
Sermons By A Lay Headmaster.*
Tuts volume is the first of its kind that has come in our way. Volumes of sermons preached by laymen we have had, but dis- courses delivered in a school chapel by a lay......
An Iron-bound City. By John Augustus O'shea. 2 Vols. (ward
and Downey.)—Mr. O'Shea went through the siege of Paris from the beginning to the end, ate horseflesh, waited in a queue for his portion of bread, and did not always get it,......
The Chronicles Of Lincluden. By William Mcdowell. (a. And C-
Black, Edinbargh.)—This admirably—we might even say magnifi- cently—got-up book is as good evidence as has been recently afforded of the vitality of the antiquarian spirit in......
A Reigning Favourite. By Annie Thomas (mrs. Ponder...
vols. (Ward and Downey.)—" Society" and the theatrical pro- fession supply the subject-matter of Mrs. Pender Cadlip's new story. There is a professional beauty, who, finding her......