AN ANGLER'S PARADISE [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—Why
go to New Zealand to seek a fishing Eden when You have only to cross the Minch to find one ? In a fort- night's angling in the Hebrides last season, two rods caught 113 salmon, heaviest fish 16 lbs. all on the fly with light salmon rods. The catch for the month—September—with five rods was 520 salmon, 55 sea trout and 36 brown trout, heaviest fish 19 lbs. total weight 3,281 lbs., average about 6i lbs. Are numbers lucky ? For instance one angler whose club number is 18, caught 13 fish as his maximum record for one day, 113 fish fell to his own and his wife's rod ; largest fish caught by him 13 lbs. ; he fished 13 days and had a 13 ft. rod. New Zealand anglers and other devotees of the rod when they read this letter may well say with Warwick in St.
Joan, " I wonder."—I am, Sir, &c., J. W. IC.