29 MAY 1926, page 27

Devotions Together With Death's Duel. By .john Donne,...

introduction by W. H. Draper. (Simpkirul 3s. tkl.) Tins neat little book offers in a more available form than the. luxurious edition or Mr. Geoffrey Keynes an insight into the......

-'- Jr This Description Of The Russian Peas - Ant Is As

true as from internal evidence it seems to be, I3ioken Earth is a volume of no little interest and importance. The writer is a Russian born and bred in an isolated village, who,......

Current_ Literature

THE LIMITATIONS- OF -VICTORY. By A. Fabre -Luce, translated by C. Vesey. (London Allen and Umvin. 12s. (3d. net.) ' • TrT competent translator and the publishers. of Count Max......

Blockade And Sea Power. By Maurice Parmelee. (london :...

and Co. 15s. net.) TnosE who remember Mr. Parmelee's work in London in 1917 and 1918 as One of the United States delegation, and chairman of the Rationing, and Statistical......

Reminiscences Of The Editor Of . The " Field "

The Sunlit Hours ; a Record - of :Slcirt and Life. By Theodore Andrea Cook, Editor of the Field; • (Nisbet. 18s.) THE great difficulty in any biography is deciding what to leave......