The Italian Cabinet has approved the regulations of the Fascist
Labour Law, a consistent 'step in the abolition of what Signor Mussolini calls the " agnostic and incapable Democratic-Liberal State." Its aim seems to be to make Italy one great federation of trade unions or syndi- cates. Only rentiers, beggars and lunatics are absolved from subscribing to some syndicate. Its effect will, apparently, be to build up a comprehensive, bureaucratic- Socialist State, culminating in Il Duce. Such a " regi- mentation " of a nation may increase its material efficiency in peace as in war, so long as men's spirits are fired by an idea which in the long run may burn them out into dead ashes. It may suit a Latin race accustomed to authoritarian religion and backward in education. We cannot sec the British race returning to such a status, from which it has painfully emancipated itself since Tudor days. * * * *