29 MAY 1936, Page 1

NEWS OF THE WEEK W HATEVER 'view be held on the

broad question of the respective rights of Jew's and Arabs in Palestine, there must be unanimity on one point, that the Mandatory Power will be abdicating its function if it faiLs to suppress with all the force "at its- comthand the Arab mobs who are resorting to destructive violence in Jerusalem and Jaffa and other centres. The -situation is grave, and all the graver because it can hardly be doubted that external influences' have had some part in the outbreak. Mr. Eden in the House of Commons on Monday, replying to a question regarding anti-British broadcasts from an Italian station in the native languages of India and Palestine, said representations had been made to the Italian Government regarding the matter. The dis- turbance in Palestine is mainly of the nature of mob- violence, but there is reason to fear that the accredited Arab leaders,. however much they may disapprove of what is happening, are powerless to hold their followers in check. Immense damage is being done to the Arab cause, and the 'administration has no alternative but to suppress the riots by every reasonable means. Its first duty is to restore law and order and meanwhile to give the Jewish population of Palestine the protection it is entitled to claim. Examples of successful appeals to force have disastrous repercussions.