29 MAY 1936, page 20

The Ferment In - Japan [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]

SIR,—I am afraid that I can't follow 'the' Rev: Mi. 1Valton. It seems that what I wrote recently about the Ferthent in Japan" - was all wrong, because it does not correspond......

Social Sanctions

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,----With economic sanctions now in full force it is sur- prising that we should receive Italian operatic conductors and singers. At the......

British Politicians And British Spirit [to The Editor Of The

SPECTATOIL Slu r —Considering what has happened in Abyssinia, the public of many countries. must now surely wish that time British Government had maintained time firm attitude......

Labour And Disarmament •

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sin,—In your issue of May 22nd you state in your notes of "The Week in Parliament" that " it would be a real stroke of statesmanship if Mr.......

"tudor. Rose"

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] . SIR,—Without entering into any discussion of the accuracy or inaccuracy of incidents and characters .represented in Tudor Rose, I venture to......

The Disastrous Rat [to The Editor Of The Spectator.] Sir,—i

am prepared to clear rats froth any building Or arta of a reasonable size on the principle 'ol" No cure no pay." A material tlutt;is abablutely 'free from poison or any kind Of......

Wanted, An Atlas [to The Editor Of The Spectator.] Anyonz

suggest to London editors that it ivriuld be a good idea for them to buy an atlas to which their staff writers could refer when mentioning places in Canada ? Particularly, this......