29 MAY 1936, Page 20


[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sin,—In your issue of May 22nd you state in your notes of "The Week in Parliament" that " it would be a real stroke of statesmanship if Mr. Attlee could .see his way to announce on behalf of his Party that he - was prepared not to make rearmament a political issue if the Government on their part would agree, to couple , with their defence measur:s a drastic. policy of reconstruction in the Distressed Areas."

Will you permit me the courtesy of your. columns to observe that. it is .surprising to find a journal of the standing of The Spectator advocating as " a real stroke of statesmanship" the complete capitulation of a principle to political expediency on the part of any individual or Party, even to force the Cy'overnment to carry out its, moral obligations in another

direction? Statesmanship ?" God help us HYourr.

[Our Parliamentary Correspondent is free to express , his own views, which are not necessarily identical with editorial opinion,—En. The Spectator.]