29 MAY 1936, Page 2

.Restarting Emigration It will be recalled that on his retirement

from the governorship of New Zealand last year, Lord Bledisloe sounded an alarm as to the attitude of the world towards the continuing emptiness of the Dominions. The Empire Migration Settlement Group in London has .received a proposal from Canada relating to the settle- anent of 500 British families in that Dominion, on the _specific understanding that the basis shall be openings in occupations which ensure both employment and the economic disposal of produce. Particular approval vi' the idea comes from the Legislative _ Assembly of Manitoba, and the first inquiries and discussions will take place in that province. The scheme, it is recog- nised, cannot be free from difficulty, but it is certainly much more intelligent than the recent proposal that 200 British families should be taken to Saskatchewan and planted out in prairie farms. Active co-operation between a western provincial Government and the Settlement Group in London makes, of course, the right kind of beginning for a 500-families project, but it is a question whether Ontario and the Maritime Provinces are not better adapted for British settlers than the prairie regions under present conditions.