Lord Brimelow Sir : We see from your 'Notebook' (15
May) that Lord Brimelow, lately head of the Forweighti; °. ffiee, has chosen to take the Labour '"'13 In the House of Lords. You note that although 5 Lord Brimelow is a socialist `no one could accuse him of being soft on coinMunism', so his FO nickname of 'Brimeloff' was Purely ironical. We think in fairness to Lord Brimelow readers should not be left with an impression ,stilat a former head of the Foreign Office ful,d be crudely categorised as 'against' a "d Povver like the Soviet Union.
fip,,,L.may have given an impression of inbut this was surely a negotiating "°Y. And one which would have been particularly useful to Lord Brimelow, in view of "is duties after the war in administering Anthony o rci Eden's secret agreement to repatriate b ! Y over two million Soviet men, vvornen and children, who were sent home, most of them to be murdered or imprisoned by Stalin, We are trying to raise a modest public Sriln(Mtlinent, perhaps in London near the -.v'et Embassy, to the memory of those two Million repatriated people. the agonies of the decision of those ,..'`sPonsible will be justly assessed. We would nelcome the suggestions or active assistance ui Your readers in this small but worthy Upndertaking. i