29 MAY 1976, page 24

Cod War

Sir : Your otherwise admirable editorial on 15 May errs in accusing the Conservative Opposition of 'deplorable silence' over the 'cod war'. Please allow me to put the record......


Sir: Though Sheila Donaldson (8 May) has never heard of Conservative Action for Electoral Reform, this has not prevented her from attributing to us the feat of both manifesting......


Sir: I am not quite clear of the logic behind the remarks about myself in your 'Notebook' on 15 May. I understand it to be that because I write in favour of sexual freedom in a......

Greene Guile Sir : I Do Not At All Approve

of Mr Auber° r) Waugh's suggestion of attacking the Ms ° Ryland by putting firecrackers in letter boxes. Not only does this smack of viole 0 c e. but it will help Ryland in his......