29 NOVEMBER 1902, Page 1

Herr Krupp, the mighty cannon-founder of Essen, and the greatest.

employer of labour in Germany, died suddenly on Saturday last, it is believed of nervous shock produced by libels circulated by the Social Democrats, who had a great antipathy to him as the representative capitalist. The libels are entirely disbelieved in his own works, and drew from the German Emperor, who attended his funeral on Wednesday, a passionate denial, and an equally passionate attack upon the party which circulates them. His Majesty, while declaring the libels " a disgrace to Germany," called upon the workmen of Essen, and, indeed, of the whole country, to boycott all those from whom such calumnies sprung. "He who does not cut himself off from these people morally brings a measure of guilt upon his own head." The wealth of the deeeased is variously estimated at from twenty to forty millions sterling, and as he was the third of his dynasty—which expires with him—as he paid. Income-tax on a million a year, and as he spent £150,000 a year in maintaining institutions for his workmen's benefit, it is probable that he belonged to the front rank of the mammoth millionaires. His entire wealth is bequeathed to his wife and daughter.