[to The Editor Of Tim "spectator."]
SIR,—A propos of the Greek controversy, I cannot forbear to send you this shrewd remark which I came on the other day in a collection of family papers. Some of the family, the......
Letters To The Editor.
GREEK AT OXFORD. [To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:1 SIR,—The view of Sir Philip Magnus in the letter he con- tributed to the Spectator of November 22nd seems to be that the old......
[to The Editor Or The "spectator :1 Sir, — Will You Allow
me to enter a protest against the fallacy contained in Mr. Brunner's argument against Greek in the Spectator of November 22nd ? Let it be granted that " the ears of the......
[to The Editor Or Ter "sprotatob.1 Sir, —to My Letter In
the Spectator of November 22nd you have appended the question as to whether I am prepared to find a Russian Thucydides. May I ask whether the fact that a Russian or other......
[to Tier Editor Or Thy "spect►toe."j Sir, — Not Only Is...
literature more precious than Latin, but the language is also easier to learn. Any one who has tried to tell a story in Latin suitable for beginners finds himself at once......
[to The Editor Op Thu “spscra.vor...]
Sin,—It seems to me that one argument in favour of the retention of Greek in education, and one which should appeal strongly to the utilitarian mind, has not been brought promi-......