29 NOVEMBER 1902, Page 1

Venezuela has been oppressing German and British sub- jects, and

the German and British Governments, finding their remonstrances disregarded, intend to use force to obtain redress. The method suggested is to seize Custom- houses and levy the duties until the amounts due are fully paid. President Castro, who has just put down a revolution, and who has a habit of eloquence as Spanish-Americans understand it, threatens great things ; but the Government of Washington thinks the case a bad one, and has no intention of waging war in order to enable the little States it protects to commit injustice with impunity. All it asks is that the offended Powers shall not annex territory as a result of their operations. Upon this point, we need not say, it has received most ample assurances, and Venezuela will therefore be compelled to give way. We assume, of course, in the absence of a clear official statement, that Venezuela as a State is responsible, and that neither we nor the Germans are collecting private debts.