29 NOVEMBER 1902, Page 24

God and Greater Britain. By the Rev. Robert Douglas. (James

Nisbet and Co. 3s. 6d. net.)Mr. Douglas dedicates his book to " all British Israelites." We cannot help thinking that the idea of any genealogical connection between the Hebrew race and the British is little better than a craze. But any preacher or writer who can persuade his countrymen that their nation has a world- mission not unlike that of the Commonwealth of Israel is doing, good service. Nor are we unwilling to follow Mr. Douglas further in some of his contentions,—in his belief, for instance, as to the causes of Continental Anglophobia. That we are hated by those to whom obscurantism and tyranny are dear is plain enough. But the utterances of Mr. Douglas must be taken, in more respects than one, cum grano.