29 NOVEMBER 1902, Page 24

The Year - Book of the Scientific and Learned Societies of Great

Britain and Ireland, Compiled from Official Sources (C. Griffin and Co., 7s. 6d.), appears for the nineteenth time. The societies are classified according to the subjects with which they deal. First we have " Societies Occupying Themselves with Several Branches

of Science, or with Science and Literature Jointly." In this class the Royal Society naturally comes first with, among other particu- lars, a list of the Transactions. Then comes the Royal Institution of Great Britain, and following this we have the British Associa- tion for the Advancement of Science. In Section II., "Mathe- matical and Physical," are included the Royal Astronomical Society, the British Astronomical Association, the London Mathe- matical Society, the Meteorological Office, and various provincial societies. The sections in all number fourteen.