29 NOVEMBER 1902, Page 3

Mr. Ritchie, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, enlivened a "common-form"

Ministerial speeech at Croydon on Wednes- day by one important announcement. Mr. Alderman Page, who proposed his health, had expressed the hope that the Chancellor would be able next April to remit 6d. or 8d. off the Income-tax. In reply, Mr. Ritchie observed that without indis- cretion he might express a hope that it would be possible, if not to go quite so far as that, at least to do something in relief of the Income-tax payer. Comparing his position with that of his predecessor, he hoped that, whereas Sir Michael Hicks Beach bad to impose fresh taxation, his task would be a more agree- able one. In another passage Mr. Ritchie referred to his guarded pledge as a promise. Put into plain English, it is evident that at the moment the Chancellor contemplates the reduction of the Income-tax by a penny or twopence.