We note with satisfaction the important amendment of the Volunteer
Regulations of April last embodied in the War Office circular issued on Thursday to general officers com- manding. In this Lord Roberts directs that "still greater opportunities than are provided for in the Regulations above mentioned shall in future be given to those officers and Volun- teers to attend provisional camps whose civil employment pre- vents their attendance at the camp of their unit. With this object, you are directed to arrange for the formation of stand- ing camps at places in your own or another command as may best meet the requirements of corps." The Commander-in-Chief continues :—" Standing camps may be formed for periods of not less than two or more than four weeks at Easter, at Whitsun- tide, and during the summer months as you may consider necessary, after consulting the commanding officers of Volun- teer corps in your district. If formed during the non-camping season, hutments or barracks will be utilised as far as pos- sible." Further instructions follow, but the concessions indi- cated above are so important that we trust they will check the , serious depletion which has already begun to threaten the efficiency of some of our best Volunteer corps.