29 NOVEMBER 1930, Page 21


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] greatly appreciate Mr. MacIntyre's invitation, and if I do not ask for more of your space for my response it is neither from inability nor reluctance to respond, but simply because another fair-minded member of the Executive of the Burns Federation has been before hint. Having been privately approached by this gentleman, also as a result of my letter in the Spectator, I have supplied him already with the necessary particulars, and I understand that the matter will be raised at the next meeting of the Executive.

May I endorse very heartily Mr. MacIntyre's appeal for the safeguarding of the cottage and museum at Alloway ? No risks ought to be taken with a building and is collection of so unique a nature.—I am, Sir, &c.,


3 Parkhill Studios, Parkhill Road, N.W. 3.