29 NOVEMBER 1930, page 1

The Aga Khan Was Not The Only Indian Delegate To

reassure the business men.. here who are fearful of their Seehrify in:an "India -own house:" Hii suggestion for a long-dated treaty on the lines of the German-Russian Treaty of......

At The Conclusion Of The Speeches The Business Com- Mittee

set up a body under the name of the Federal Relations Committee to work out in detail an agreed form for the All-India edifice. Lord Sankey was asked to Classify the prevalent......

* * * * Mr. Baldwin Had A Clear Field

on Tuesday ; there was no dissent, no contradiction ; and yet the strange fact is that such a speech as he made would have caused some Protectionists to foam at the mouth only a......

News Of The Week

Towards an All-India Federation rr HE Prime Minister admirably summed up the general -a- conclusions suggested by the first plenary session of the Round Table Conference. We......

Mr. Baldwin And His Party

At a meeting of the Central Council' of the National Union of Conservative and Unionist Associations on Tuesday, Mr. Baldwin expressed the belief that his party was the only......

Editorial And Piirldhuno Offices 99 Cower - Street,...

Subseriptithi to the SPECT4TOR casts Thirty Shillings Per annum, including postage, to any part of the world. The SPECTATOR is registered as a Newspaper. The Postage on this......