The New High Commissioner in South Africa The decision to
appoint a High Commissioner for South Africa with functions similar to those of Sir William Clark in Canada is presumably a by-product of the Imperial Conference. Sir Herbert Stanley, the Governor of Ceylon, has been selected for the post, and no appoint- ment could be more welcome. Satisfaction is expressed in South Africa. There is grave substance, how- ever, in the protest made by Lord Buxton in a letter to the Times on Tuesday. Hitherto, the Governor- General of the Union has performed the duties of High Commissioner of the Native Territories (Basutoland, Bechuanaland and Swaziland), and the visits of the repre- sentative of the King have always engaged the loyalty and affection of the natives and their chiefs. The new High Commissioner would represent not the King but the Government, and the valuable link of the Crown would thereby be weakened.
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