FOUR FAULTLESS FELONS. By G. K. Chesterton. (Cassell. 'Ts. 6d.)—Readers
who enjoyed The Poet and the Lunatics will find here a volume equally to their taste. The present book contains four long short-stories, loosely held .together by a prologue and an epilogue, in which the writer satirizes the brighter journalism. •The felons of the title are really better, not worse, than most of their fellow-men ; but each does something, with rational or virtuous motives, which causes him to be convicted of crime by a world .that is blinded by materialistic and conventional values. The stories, as such, are capital fun, and should delight even those readers who may not care about the fundamentally serious criticism of modern life which underlies them, and who may not appre- ciate at their full worth the passages of fine poetic symbolism which Mr. Chesterton—the most careless and prodigal dis- penser of jewels—scatters among his pages.