STRANGERS MAY KISS. By Ursula Parrott. (Shaylor. 6d.)—Just as Miss
Parrott's first book, Er-Wife, had the exceptional qualities of a "human document," so has Strangers May Kiss. It is rare to read a novel which - reveals- so faithfully a woman's thoughts and feelings about' the love of her life: It -is impossible iink_to. believe that Miss _ Parrott has either experienced herself or shared some intimate friend's experience of the situation presented in this book. Strangers May Kiss is a moving story, sometimes it is a little too realistic to be bearable, of a young girl's love for a man ” who rides on." Miss Parrott' s method is in some ways similar to that of Colette. Her books are perhaps more true to life, but they are for this reason not such good art.