Financial Notes
ANY activity in the Stock Markets during the past week may be said to have centred in gilt-edged securities and in new capital flotations. Quite a feature of the week, in fact, has been the great response given to the offer of 16,000,000 in Central Electricity Board 4/ per cent. Stock at 954-: Notwithstanding the fact that it is not a trustee issue and gives a yield of under 41 per cent, the Loan is believed to have been covered more than ten times, thanks, no doubt, largely to the activities of the premium hunter, and the public should not regard these huge applications as indicative of conditions of sudden affluence. In other departments of the Stock Exchange the tendency has been dull, being greatly affected by the weakness of the foreign Bourses, and notably Paris and Amsterdam. In connexion with this weakness there has been a heavy fall during the week in German Reparation Bonds and Oil shares.
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