General Knowledge Questions
Oen weekly prize of one guinea for the best thirteen Questions Submitted is awarded this week for the following :-
Questions on Great Generals 1. To whom does Byron refer as "Half demon and half dirt"?
2. Of whom did. Dr. Johnson write :— "His fall was destined to a barren strand,
A petty fortress and a dubious hand " ?
3. Who captured a fleet by a cavalry charge ?
4. Who first introduced a common uniform into an army ?
5. To whom did Napoleon refer as "the bravest of the brave " ?
6. Who won the Battle of Navarrete and against whom was it fought ?
7. What general had a stone lion erected to his memory 8. Into whose mouth, and on what occasion, does Shakespeare put the words :— " If we are marked to die, we are enough To do our country loss" ?
9. What Polish patriot saved the Hapsburg dominions from conquest?
10. Who commanded the defences of Myna in the Russo- Turkish War of 1876, and by whose genius was the town ultimately taken ?
11. Who won the Battle of Chanted ?
12. Who led the French to victory at Patay ?
13. What general. became known in England as the Hyena ?
Answers will be found on page 866.