Spectator Competition t for Schools
The 'Spectator' offers three prizes of ten guineas and one of eight guineas in a competition open to boys and girls at school in the United Kingdom at the end of the Christmas term.
Entries must be in the form of (a) an original short story of not more than 1,500 words, or (b) an essay (on any subject) of not more than 1,500 words, or
(c) a sonnet.
A prize of ten guineas will be awarded to the best entry in each section. In addition, a prize of eight guineas will be awarded to the most meritorious runner-up, irrespective of category.
Entries, which need not be typed, should be addressed : The Spectator, 99 Gower Street, London, WC I, and must reach this office by January 20, 1964.
Envelopes should be marked `Schools Competition' and the competitor's name and school should be given at the head of each entry.