A Spectator's Notebook
TALKING to one of our better- known lecturers in English the other day, I was remark- ing that since there was much to be said for a certain amount of study of linguistic......
What Killed Kennedy?
That is, if they are extremely charitable. But such attitudes are the death of thought, as they are of decency. One sees something similar in the current tone of......
Simple Sages
But at least, you will say, Dr. Leavis is a theologian and not a Sage; while anyone who writes a column like this, giving unsolicited opinions on a range of unconnected......
Renewed Alliances
From DARSIE GILLIE PARIS EFORE President Kennedy's murder the D political problem for President de Gaulle was already the changing of the guard. He had made the Franco-German......
English Eateries
I must confess to a brief spasm of anti- American feeling myself this week. 1 read The Round-the-World Cookbook by Myra Waldo. After some inept and offensive remarks about......
The Inbtlisiniths
Not that the incompetence of the Dallas police hasn't left the affair wide open to just the sort of theory about some vast and complicated frame- up in which conspiracy-maniacs......