NEW COLONY IN AIISTRALIA. — In the absence of Parliamentary business, wehave
thought that we could not do better than devote a portion of our pages to the consideration of this subject, which is of so much interest to many individuals, and to the nation at large. We have treated it copiously and minutely—in fact, voluminously, for we wished to comprise in one view all the obtainable infor- mation, necessary to guide the reader to a sound opinion, and possibly to a practical decision of considerable importance to himself. This Is one of the advantages of a large paper, and, we think, the properest use to which, on a suitable occasion, ample space can be applied.
Te CHARTS of the Colony. to be distributed with our Paper of this day,'from the slow progress of the copperplate printer, have run short ; but a sufficient number will be forthcoming on Monday; when those who have not received copies may be supplied, on application to their Newsmen. The Charts are rot transmissible by post ; but we have sent parcels to all the principal towns, with a view to meet this difficulty.