The Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY Essex NG.-Three per Cents. closed on Saturday at Ste buyers ; Exchequer Bills 9s. to 10s. premium. On Monday there was a slight advance; but on Tuesday,......
DAVIS, JAMES, Worcester, glover, Oct. 24. NEWMAN, GEORGE, Pancras Lane, Cheapside, agent, Oct. 25. BANKRUPTCY ENLARGED. CLARK, Jonx, Jewry Street, Aldgate, and Tottenham,......
Resigned Pensioners. — By A Return Made To The House Of...
it appears that five persons, namely, the Duchess of Newcastle, Lord Farnborough, Lord Reay, .1Irs. Percy Smith, and Lady Seymour, have relinquished their pensions on the Civil......
The Universities.
OXFORD. On the 26th, the Rev. S. Hinds, nr. A. of Queen's College, and late Vice-Principal of St. Alban's Hall, was admitted to the degree of Bachelor in Divinity. On the 27th,......
The Army.
Wan-OFFICE, Oct. 28.-13th Regt. of Foot : Ensign W. T. Shakespear to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Pearson, who retires ; 0. A. Tyner, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice......
The Church.
The Rev. S. J. Cory, B.D., Fellow of Sidney Sussex College, has been instituted by the Lord Bishop of Lincoln to the Vicarage of Orton-on-the-Mil cum Twycross, in the county of......
East India Shipping.
Arrived. At Gravesend, Oct. 27th, Georgiana, Thins, from Madras. Off Liver- pool, 27th inst. Hoodless, from Calcutta. In the Clyde, 25th, Elizabeth, M'Alpine, from Bombay. At......