Soto.. Mon. Tues. Wednes.I Thurs.1 Friday.
81 t 81ii f 31 * 111814 g 1811 7. a 82,1 62311, 23 823kii 1823 1- it 1824 3/ 8214 312f ii2H 62s3lis:4 oval set set, 83- s lest- !so
40-3 I 91/g 3 1903 innk
983 983 i 981 fi 98,3- 93 1923 2 :91 2 1911. 2 1 19.1I1 1191.i2 42 163 A 1639.16 osi. 9-16 dis par :2 dis 1 2 Ws 3 dis 13 1 dis - - - -
8 9 8 9 7 9 10 9 I
3 per Cent. Reduced . 013 2-per Cent. Consols ...... Ditto for Account S23 I 33 per Cent. Ohl
03 per Cent. New . . . 9033-
4 per Cent... • •
Bank Stock .. . •• •• •• 191
Ditto L. A...... ..... . ..... I ndia Bonds . ..... ... 2 1 dis Exchequer Bills, 10001. Ditto, dUO.. .... • ......... 7 9 Ditto, Small ....... 8 10 7s 76 17 8 6 10 9 97 19 10
BULLION. Vold-Portugal, in Coin ... ....per ca. 0!. Os. Od. .... Foreign, in Bars 3 17 9 - New Doubloons 0 0 0 Silver-1n Bars, Dollars New Standard 0 0 0 - 0 4 10 Wheat, Red New 44 to CO
Fine Cl -Cut
White, Old 50 - 05 Fine - 01 - 711 Super. - 70 - 70 Sire, New 30 - 31 Old - - - Barley, Stained 28 -34 Malting 00 - 44 Malt, Ordinary 50 - o; Fine 68 - 72 re-is, Hog 38 -45 GRAIN.
MARK LANK, Friday, October 29.
The arrival of English Grain in general this -week is very moderate, but of Irish ll'heat and Oats the supply is considerable. Wheat, if tine, fully supports Mondq's price,,, or even obtains rather more money; aria Barley, Beans, and Peas are steady in call, In Oats there h no variation worth notice the trade, however, is not cheaper.
(Per Quarter.)
3. 3.
Maple. 45 to 43 White - 40
1155000 44 -48
Darrow ... 0 - 0 (8.1 35 -42 Oats, Peed - 23
Fine 04 - 23
Poland 20 - 25 tine 06 -27 PoPau - 30
Fine 35 -31
AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN, Per Quarter (Imperial) of England and Wales, for the Week ending Dot. 81.
Wheat ,.. Burley Oats 55 5 Peas ,....59s. 23. 1 Bye 359. 3d. 37 6 Beans 40 7 44 10 Aggregate Average of the last Six Weeks, which regulates Duty.
Barley 37 Oats GIs. 41. Five 0 Beans 53 1 ItPeas 37s. 9d. 40 7 41 1 Wheat Duty on FOREIGN COB N for the present Week. Wheat .3s. 8d. 1 Rye 14s. 01.
Barley I s 4 Beans .... .....9 6
Oats - 12 3 Peas 3 6 FLOUR.
Town-made per :10r. to 023. Seconds 50 53 Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 50 - 53 Norfolk and Stockton 45 - 50 HAY AND STRAW.
(Per load of 36 Trusses.) CumneRLAND. SortTlirtZLD• Hay, Coarse Meadow Bas. .... Os. to Ot.
Useful Ditto 55 70 60 - 67 Upland Ditto 0 - 0 .... 70 - 80 Clover 83 -110 .... 100 -120 Straw, Oat Wheat 24 - 30 .... 30 - 36
Ileadow Hay 50 - 55 .... 60 - 80 Clover 84 -100 ..,. 100 -110 Straw, Oat Wheat 27 - 33 .... 35 - 35 COALS.
Wall's End, best Ste. 01/.to 335.0d. Inferior 55 3 - 10 It BUTCHER MEAT.
Our best qualities of Beef have a ready sale, and therefore fully support last Monday's figure of 4s. but Mutton does not no off as, freely. and is conse- quently down, Sc. being the top qamatk,n, which is 4d. le, than Monday. The price of Veal Is also lower, the best Calves realizing on iy Ss. The same figure is also given for good Pork.
Beef 33. Oid. to 3s. 4d..... Ss. 4s. Od.
Mutton .. 3 Et 4 2 .... 3 G - 5 0 Veal ... .. 3 4 - 5 0 .... 3 6 - 5 0 Fork....44- 5 4.... 5 it- 00 Lamb 0 0 - 0 0 .... 0 0 - 0 0 't By the Carcass, per stone of 311,1, .1. Sinking the offal, per stone of !Jibs.
Bohm per lb. Is. 01.7.8, tongou, Common . 13
- Middling ..... 2 21. - 2
- Best 2 5 - 3 Souchong 3 2 - 4 • Compel, Common . ..... • 0 0 - 0
Twankav1 4 II o
- "Ftne 2 8 3 ilyson, Skin 8 2.} - 3 - Common 3 It - 3 ..-- Fine .... ......... 4 5 - 5 6 Ditties on Tens below es. 96 per Cent. above gs. Pat 10. RV.
.13 2 4 2 4 11 COFFEE.
Jamaica, Triage . ....per cwt. 85s. 741.04. - Ordinary 7.3 0 - 75 0
- Good........ 71 5 - 71 0 - Mitidlin2; 00 0 - till 0
--. Fine 90 0 - lett 0 Mocha 67 0 150 0 Duty not included.
SUGARS. Duty included. '
Muscovades, Brown, precut... 417. 01. to 46s. 04.
- Middling 47 0 - 40 0 - Good 50 0 - 54 0 - Pine 55 0 -.7 0 Mauritius 42 0 - 54 5 il101assea 21 0 - L3 0 Duty not Included. East India, Brown 0 0 0 0 - White ...... 20 0 - £6 0 FRUIT.
inn. :Mg.
Raisins, Sultanas, per ct. Os. to Vs... Or, tO 0$.
- Smyrna, Black . U - 0 .. 34 - 0 - Muscatels...-. 0 - 0 -105 -140 0 67 0 it 60 0 0 .. 50 - 0
- 0 .. 0 - 0
0 .. 71 73
- 0 .. 0 - 0
Almonds, Jordan ... ...... 121.12s. Od. a,.....■ Valentin 4*. 0 0 0
Bloom Currants 85 70
Figs, Turkey
44 French Plums .... 0
t.-.... Imperials
- Prunes 0
Segars, in bond ..........per lb. 74. Od. to 130.21.
Davitinolli Leaf I 9 - 3 8 St. Domingo .......... 0 6 - 0 9 Maryland; Light Brown.. 0 5 - 0 7 Virginian, Fine Black 0 5l - 0 6 Kentucky Leaf, Stemmed. 0 8 - 0 5 WINES.
Port, Old per pipe 403. to 501. New ... 23
I.kbon ...... .... ...... 20
B neellns 35 Mountain, Good ...... 25 - Cargo 17 Caleavella 30 Teneritle, Good 0 - Cargo 11 Madeira, Direct 0 - London Particular 50 'Ve-t India ... 54 - Fast India 54 Spanish Red per um 14 Sherri., Good per butt 23
Dock- . per aitIo. 0
Claret, [hood per Idol. - Cargo 4
French White, Good bll - (00I1.0 ...... .. • • • . • • 4 but1es 011 Itr-uut1 'v. ill., 7,34.
!AAP,. un C.,pc1■1 Ines.. 2 0 )}ierfir.p. Gallas. tintless," all whet-LI-ins, 4 15
- 26
- 34 - 40 - - 35 0 - 12 - 55 50 90 - 16 - 70 - 0 - 5u
- 5 S PI It ITS.
Genera, pee ga11611 es. ed. to Or. Od.
Brandy, Coguiae, I -t ■ittailty 4 4- 4
3 s - 0 0
3 quality ., 3 4 - 0 0 Duty 2,-.6/1. per Imp. (kill..
Bum, Leeivards, I: gallon 1 4 - 1 5
- Demerain • ng 1 6 - I 7
- Jamaien, 55 to 23, u.e - 2 4 3o, L p 3 4 - 0 Duty Ii. ,0renstb.
The 41k. • .......
Butter, 61,1, per is L. 930. to 0,.
- ("aft,: . .......... . 100 - 104 ...... 40 - 70 0sec,, 6110,111re
Gloucester, ',high: 32 46
Double. ...... 60 -- 66 Bacon, Middles 40 - 40 - Singed ........ 42 - 50
Beef, India, New per tierce
- Prime Mess 4 15 0
Park, India
- Sloss 6 7 6 Prime M per barrel 3 7 6 - Second Quality 3 0 BUTTER.
Best Fresh, 14s. or/. to -s. per doz.
New Potatoes (Ware) 51. 5s. to St. Ifs, per ton.
Kent Pockets ..... per cwt. 41. Os. to Sussex Pockets ............ 4 4 - Eases Pockets 4 4 -
Kent Bags 4 0 - Sussex Bags 4 0 - Essex Bags 4 2 -
s. 1. s, d, s. d, S. a. Leonesa .. 2 0 to 3 0 ..itaxon F.lec.4 6 to 7 0 Segovia 2 0 - 5 4 Ditto 1. 3 3 - 4 10 Soria 1 ft - 2 0 Wily 2. 2 3- 2 9
Portugal . 1 0 1 4 Do.l.ocks I. 3 - 3 3 Austrtan . 2 9- 6 t; 1.66Fleuee l 3- 3 6 kreneh ... 1 - 3 0 D.I.umbs L 6- 4 6 Duty Id. per lb. above ls.-1d. below.
Butts, English Crop.....Cr lb.
Foreign Sktits, 3G to 4019.. per tlos. Ditto 50 to 701b. .
Small Seals, Greenland Large Ditto Englisk Ilurbe per lb Spanish Ditto
71. 153.
5 G G 10
6 6 4 10 5 13
0.4d. to ls. 9d.
3 I 7 3 - I 9 - I IL a - I 81 " - 1 4 - 1 5 2 - 1 Is
Lamb Skir.s Os. ea.-
Polled 2 4 - 3 0 Downs 1 9 - 1 3 RAW HIDES.
Best Heifers and Steers, per stone 21. lid. to 3s. Od. Middlings . S 2 - 3 6 Ordinary 1 8 - e 0
Market Calf.......... .....rash 0 0 - 0
s. d
nales doz. it 0 Snap Tailor- 11 0 ...... . 0 Melting Stuff.... 35 0 3100 Ids ....... 9 6 D 111 o Lough 25 0 Town Tallow it.ewt.4I1 0 'Cell ,s Soap .... 62 0 Yellow Rushia.... 42 0 71 oti led ..... 6:1 0
White 47I O, L I 1 72 0
nape Oil, Brown per ton 401. Or.
4. 6 29 10 Lare
I.e.-veil Oil Lrckc at .... .. 1131.1. . .IMIO 151117
I Sold Oct, ker ..:LUk at 1:tasutlt.
Cnilper Oro 2330 tons. Amount stoney ....... ....... 15,474/.140. 6d.
rertge Price ...... ........ 6 11 0 Averne standard 102 6 0 Average Pr ...Mee per cent 03 Quantity of fine Copper '14 tons 13 cut.
ill ETA Iron, in Bars per ton. 03. Si. Or. Os. - Pigs ....... 4 15 0 - 5 0 - Hoops 9 0 0 - 0 0 Steel 30 0 0 - 0 0 Tins, in Bars 3 14 6 - 0 0 - Ingots 3 13 6 - 0 0 - Blocks.
... . 12 6 - 0 0
Qnicksilver........per 0 I 113 - 0 0 Copper, in Sheets 0 0 10 - 0 0 Cake per ton 05 0 0 - 0 0 Lead, Pig .' • 13 10 0 0 0
- Milled or Sheet .. 14 10 0 - 0 0
- Bars 14 0_41 ss. 0 0