II. B. has not, we might be sure, overlooked Sydney
Smith's amusing simile of " Dame Partin;,,ton." He has represented the simple house- wife with a silly, Wellington-looking physiognomy, mounted on patens, wielding her mop against the foaming billows, in which we recognize the features of Lords Grey, Brougham, and Althorp. He has also em- bodied a prediction of Lord Lyndhurst's, and represents the Chancellor as " the last of his Race," supporting himself on the woolsack, and sail- ing down the tide of Reform with the mace and seals for his standard, while mitres, coronets, and the crown itself, are carried away by the flood, which has uprooted even the tree of Liberty. II. B. is too fond of representing Lord Brougham in ludicrous positions : the face of the Chancellor seems peculiarly obnoxious to him, — we suppose because he hits off his peculiar physiognomy so successfully. Cannot the Anti- Reformers furnish any better idea than that of the Ministers setting on the People as curs to worry the Bishops ? It is too puerile to employ the pencil of II. B.