RESIGNED PENSIONERS. — By a return made to the House of Commons,
it appears that five persons, namely, the Duchess of Newcastle, Lord Farnborough, Lord Reay, .1Irs. Percy Smith, and Lady Seymour, have relinquished their pensions on the Civil List, amounting to 2,609/. 4s.6d. per annum.
Tan NEW Basusaveaca COURT.—Mr. Sergeant Pell has been ap- pointed one of the Judges under the new Bankruptcy Bill.—Globe.
Sin GEORGE N.-slam:a—Yesterday morning, this gentleman was found dead in his bed, at his residence in Hanover Square. Sir George had been unwell for some time past, and had been latterly verymnch troubled with spasms. Ile had gone to bed at his usual hour on the previous evening, apparently in better health than for some time past, and his unexpected death has been a severe shock to his family. Sir George was nearly eighty years of age. His death leaves vacant the office of Garter King at Arms, an office of great honour and emolument.
ELECTION DUEL.—A duel took place on Saturday between the Ho- nourable F. Greville, the unsuccessful candidate for Pembrokeshire, and J. Jones, Esq. the M.P. for Carmarthen. They met at Tavern Spite. 1!1r. Greville tired at Mr. Jones, who discharged his pistol in the air, but would make no apology, stating that the tiring might go on as long as his antagonist pleased. The parties were then separated.
Snn Cnaaans WETHERELL'S TAIL.—A paragraphs from Gloucester, of the 24th, says—" Two troops of the 14th Dragoons left Gloucester on Monday morning for Sodhury, eleven miles from Bristol, to be ready to protect Sir C. Wetherell on his entrance into Bristol, as Recorder of that city." [Tine more proper way would have been to prohibit Sir Charles from entering. A legal procession, if, by reason of the crowds it draws together, it tend to a breach of the peace, ought not to be al- lowed at all; and the parties joining in it are clearly liable to an indict- ment. This is Sir Charles's own doctrine. Is it not intolerable that the country should be called on to submit to the expense of sending half a regiment of horse to Bristol, because, forsooth, Sir Charles Wetherell will have a public entry into the town ?] TOTIIILL■FIELDS PRISON.—The new prison now erecting in Tothill- fields, it is expected, will be completed next summer. It will be as large as the House of Correction in Coldbath-fields ; there will be a sufficient space to class the prisoners. It extends from the present prison to Mr. Elliott's extensive plantations ; which, with the large gardens behind Emanuel Hospital (founded by Lady Dacre), will secure a good circula- tion of air to the prisoners.
POVERTY.—We learn with regret that our parish officers will be obliged to raise the next poor-rate to 6s. on houses and as. on land, in conse- quence of the great increase of the proportion of the county-rate which we are to pay this year. We have hitherto paid about seven hundred pounds; this year it is eighteen hundred and seventy-five.—Brighton Gazette.
LITHOTOSTY AND Luxor:urns—We abridge from the Medical Gazette of yesterday, the following statement of au operation for the stone, lately performed by Mr. Coulson, not for the purpose of impugning the efficacy of lithotrity, but in order to show that there are cases in which, even in the opinion of its very skilful and candid professor, the lateral operation may be considered - preferable.—" General Dispensary.—\V. Looker, aged three years and eleven months, was admitted under the care of Mr. Coulson on the 21st inst. The child had been afflicted eighteen months, and on sounding a calculus was distinctla felt. The clergyman of the parish recommended the mother to take the child to Baron Heurteloup; who, after mature deliberation on the case, sent a note to the mother, of which the following is an extract : For suck young children, his operation is less favourable and safe than for grown up persons ; and the old operation is, in cases of very young children, less dangerous and to be dreaded : under these circumstances the Baron would recommend Mrs. Looker to have the stone taken out by the cut- ting operation, and that without delay. Mr. Coulson operated on the child on Saturday last ; a Ethic acid calculus of the size of an almond was extracted, and during the extraction a small one of the size of a large grain of wheat fell on the ground. The operation was completed within the minute, and the child is doing extremely well." The report does ample justice to " the frankness of Baron Heurteloup, and to the candour with which this ingenious man delivered his opinion."—Morning Chronicle.
FATALITY O5. ClIOLEIZA.—This disease appears to be considered, whoa at a distance, in an almost ridiculously frightful view. It was viewed with great dread before it had actually broken out at Ilanffiurg, which city 1 left on Saturday last ; it had then, however, already manifested itself eight days,-and only thirty-one deaths had °enured, including several cases reported as only suspicious,----a number that vanishes in the population of 130,000 souls. In most of the cities where it has lately raged, as Berlin, Vienna, Breslow, and others, the cases have been pro- portionally small to the amount of their inhabitants. It originated at Hamburg in a miserable resort called the Deep Cellar, frequented by beggars, vagrants, and other abandoned objects of both sexes ; and to this profligate class of people it has hitherto been confined. The alarm has therefore totally subsided at Hambura ; public and private parties continue, every species of amusement is undisturbed, and cholera is less talked or thought of than for six months previous. It has maintained tine precise swine character at Berlin and other cities in. tine North of Germany ; where people of sober and regular habits consider it now scarcely worthy reflection. The faculty in Germany have come to the unanimous decision, that the cholera with them has not been con- tagious. They hove been unable to trace it from one individual to :either; neither have any of the medical attendonts or nurses in the public hospitals fallen victims to its ravages. Another decided testimony of this position, is established by the great fair at Leipsic, just ended: there all classes of merchants congregated from tine infected districts, and the town continued healthy, as before.—Correspondent of Times.
SPECIMENS OF mu UNKNOWN Tosouns.—Mr. Irving's church was at- tended on Monday morning la, great numbers of persons, who flocked thither from all parts of the metropolis, for tine purpose of hearing those " manifestations of the Spirit " which formed the chief topic of the re- verend-gentleman's discourse on Sanday. The interest excited by these "manifestations " may be judged of from the fact, that, although the service commenced so -early as half-past six, and the morning was bleak and cold, the body of the church was filled with respectable people of both sexes even before the appointed hour. Whilst Mr. Irving was engaged in reading a chapter from tine Acts of the Apostles, tine voice of a man was suddenly heard, who harangued the congregation in the un- known tongue, and concluded by interpreting the words he had tittered. Shortly afterwards, a woman raised her voice, and gave another speci- men of tine "operation of the Spirit,'' which was also followed by an in. terpretation. The next part of the service was a very long prayer from a gentleman, who beseeched the Almighty to restrain tine scoffers, whom he warned that whilst they imagined themselves mocking human crea- tures, tinny might, in fact, be mocking the Holy Spirit. At the conclu- sion of tine prayer, a lady, whom we understood to be a Miss Carsden, or Carsdell, commenced an address or oration, and we were enabled to catch a few of the words :—" 0 netention a hones bolo 0 do nouns kerleclion Omana terdeos kalion." After a short pause, we were favoured. with the interpretation ; part of which was as follows :—" 0 resist not tine love of Jesus-0 you doubt it ! 0 you doubt it ! 0 it is grievous that you should doubt his love ! IIe is love ! He is love ! 0 draw nigh to him —draw nigh to him ! Your Father's arms are open—your Father's arms are open ! He will receive you. He remembers tine weakness of his creatures : He knows that they are but dust," &c. There was nothing unearthly in the tones in which this was spoken or sung ; but tine voice was powerful and sonorous, and, resounding through the church, was well calculated to inspire the hearers with a feeling of awe. The female part of the congregation were evidently much affected, every sound of tine speaker's voice seeming to produce a thrill of horror among them. At one period an elderly woman cried out " O'save us !" and it was supposed by those wino occupied seats in a remote part of the church, that sine had been suddenly endowed with the gift of speak- ing in the tongues, and had committed the mistake of beginning with tine known before tine unknown language ; but it soon be- came evident that the poor woman cried out from a feeling of sheer terror. The whole service was conducted with a solemnity well calculated to make a deep impression. On Tuesday morning, the church was again well filled at the same hour, half-past Six o'clock. In the course of tine morning, Miss Carsden, or Carsdell, raised her voice- " Coartoma rnramur monk chambela mentara tsaw." We add part of the interpretation, " You need it—you need it ; you need the word of tine Lord to comfort You ; for it is a time of perplexity. Ile is about to rise, and He shall speak terribly to the nations. Ile shall arise—He shall arise ; He shall do his strange work. The wicked shall not always prosper. Rejoice ! rejoice ! for he cometh—your King comet& Fear, ye. that can. mit hear the eye of your God ! Be not deceived—be not deceived : it is the Holy One that is coming ! He cannot abide iniquity. He stretches out his hand," &e. The whole of this was forcibly delivered, particu- larly the words which we have marked by Italics; which were given with great power, vehemence, and even dignity, and with electrical effect upon- the auditors. Miss Ball then addressed the congregation, with an effect little inferior to that which was produced by Miss Carsdell. In her interpretation, this lady exclaimed, " Oh, refuse not—refute not to listen to His voice ! 0 beware, ye mockers ! Beware of despising the work of the Lord ! 0 return unto the Lord He will have mercy upon you ! " At the close of the service this morning, Mr. Irving addressed a few words to his hearers on the-subject of keeping order in the church. He observed that mounting on the benches was wholly in- consistent with the decorum of a Christian congregation, and could not be permitted. He entreated them to keep their seats and listen. It was evident, however, that all the confusion arose from the anxiety of the individuals present to see as well as to hear ; as the female orators, instead of standing up, continued to sit in their pews while discoursing " in the tongues:" As to the words with which the orators commenced their harangues, we can by no means guarantee the accuracy of the specimens we have given ; and we dare say that we have made sad work of the orthography. These unknown tongues are fearful matters kr a reporter. The English parts are generally considered as an interpreta- tion. Judging from their length, as compared with the brevity of the -unknown portion, it would seem more probable that they are given by way of commentary. Mr. Irving has been preaching on the subject of these " manifestations" for several months, and the scenes which we have attempted to describe are the fruits of his exertions. It is rather strange, that although he has been so successful in obtaining the gift for others, he makes no pretensions to any skill in it himself.-Morning Herald.