WAR-OFFICE, Oct. 28.—lst Regt. of Dtags.—C. C. W. Sibthorpe, Gent, to be Cornet by purchaAe, vice Coningham, who retires. 1st Regt. of Foot—Ensign 3. R. Heaton to he Adjt., vice Mullen, who resigns the Adjutancy only. 2d Foot —StatT.Assiste Sr;. W. Ilibbert, M.D. to be Assist:Surg. vice 1'. Hunter. cashiered. 14th Foot— Gent. Cadet A. II. Elton, from the Royal Military Cadet College, to be Ensign, with- out purchase.; Ensign J. Spence. to be Adjt. vice Shure, dec. 20th Foot—F.C. Trench, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice 11111, promoted in the 55th Regt. 55ill Foot- Lieut. C. B. Daubeny to be Capt. vice Fraser, who retire,; Ensign E. Hill, from the Will Foot, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Dattheny ; Enrign W. Fraser, from the half- pay of the 60ili Reel. of Foot to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Clarke, dec. 61111 Foo,—Liettt, O. Mlleath to he Capt. by purchase, vice It. Graham, who retires ; En- sign II. Synith to be Lieut. by purcharse, vice W Reath; C. Powell, Gent, to be En- sign, by purchase, vice Symth. 82(1 Foot— Ensign W. Eccles to be I.ieut. by purchase, vice Armstrong. who retires ; F. O. II. Bridgeman, Gent, to be Ensign by purchase, vice Eccles. Ceylon Itegt.—Licut. T. Skinner to be Capt. without purchase, vice Fretz. dec.; Se' cowl-Lieut. W. Jones lo be First Lieut. vice Skinner ; Second Lieut.. Trevor Chute o be First Lieut. by purchase, vice Jones, whose promotion, by purchase. has beet' car- celled ; 11. T. Walker, Gent. to be Second Lieut. without purchase, vice Chute.
Brevet—Limit:Col. A, Macdonald, of the Royal Artillery, to have the rank of Cot. at I lunduras only.
I I °spite' Statt—To be Assist-Burg. to the Forces—J. J. Hume, M.D. vice Iiibbett appoithell io the 2,1 Foot ; Assist..Surg. W. Odell, tom the half-pay of the 6120 Foot vice 3. II. Rolland, who retires upon haltpay.