The Dissenters Of Corsham And Its Neighbourhood Have Sent An
address to Mr. Paul Methuen, M. P. for North Wilts, expressive of their thanks for his attention to the public interest, and of their senti- ments, &c. regarding Church-rates.......
From A Discussion In The Leeds Town-council, We Learn That
the corrupt old Corporation made over their property, worth about 70004 to certain members of their own body, in defiance of the opinions of Sir Frederick Pollock and Sir......
The Quality Of Tory Eloquence Is Not Improved Since We
last treated our readers with some choice specimens. Our opponents, " greatly daring, dine," and are no doubt "judicious" in their choice of liquors ; but their oratory is still......
Sir Hussey Vivian's Return For Cornwall Is Said To Be
secured. Ile has a pledged majority of voters, giving all the doubtful men to Lord Eliot. The following requisition to SirWilliam Molesworth is in the course of signature at......