We have just learned that the Government of Prussia has
placed a vast mass of the most valuable statistical information at the disposal of Mr. ISPCulloch, to be used either for the improvement of his Dic- tionary or otherwise, as he may think fit. This conduct reflects infi- nite credit on the intelligence and liberality of the Prussian Govern- ment. The information communicated is all official. It is in the shape of replies to queries transmitted to Berlin through his Excel- lency Baron Bulow, who has taken the greatest interest in: the matter. The queries embraced a wide field, having reference not only to com- merce and commercial legislation, but also to the shipping, financial policy, revenue and expenditure, population, &c. of the kingdom. The answers to the queries were prepared in the different departments of the Administration. All of them have been drawn up with the greatest care ; many are most elaborate; and there is not one that does not evince an earnest desire to communicate the latest and most accurate information, without any effort at glossing or concealment. We have been assured that his Prussian Majesty, as well as his Ministers, was pleased to express his approbation of the object for which the infor- mation was sought, and his wish that it should be full and authentic. It may be questioned whether there be another Government in the world—certainly we know of none—that would, at the mere solicita- tion of a private individual, and that individual a foreigner, have taken so much pains to furnish him with the means of fairly appreciating and exhibiting its policy in an economical point of view.—Morainy Chronicle.