A Cabinet Council was held yesterday.
The Constitutionnel of yesterday, in a semi-official article, announces the speedy meeting of the Congress on the affairs of Italy.
In a new French pamphlet written by a M. Debraux, who is supposed to have official information, it is stated that the convocation of the Con- gress is an affair already agreed uponby the five Great Powers; that the Con- gress will meet at Brussels in December, and that the programme has been already adopted by the French, English, and Austrian Governments. The object the Congress will have in view is:- 1. To take cognizance of the Treaty of Zurich.
2. To accede to the territorial changes which the said Treaty makes in the final acts of the Congress of Vienna.
3. To examine into the best means of securing the pacification of Italy. This last point was added to the programme of the Congress at the instance of the English Government.
Independently of the Congress of eight Powers that signed the final Acts of the Treaty of Vienna, there will be a Conference composed of Plenipotentiaries from the Italian States charged with drawing up the Pact of their Confederation. In order to put an end to the complica- tions of Central Italy, France and Austria have already agreed to re- commend for the adoption of the Congress a sort of compromise to this effect :—the Grand Duke of Tuscany to return to his States ; the Duke of Modena to abdicate in favour of his niece, affianced to Duke Robert of Parma, who will become Sovereign of Modena, and give up Parma, Pia- cenza, Pontremoli, to Sardinia.