The Gale.
During Tuesday night and Wednesday morning a furious gale raged round our coasts. Though we received accounts of shipwreck and death from almost every port, all losses are......
Lord Brougham At Edinburgh.
A great banquet was given by the citizens of Edinburgh to Lord Brougham, in their Music Hall, on Wednesday evening. Sir John Melville, the Lord Provost, occupied the chair, and......
Electoral Corruption.
The Gloucester Election Commission has resumed its sittings, while the Wakefield Commissioners have suspended theirs until the 11th of Novem- ber, when they will meet again in......
Or End.
THE QUEEN and Court have been at Windsor during the week. At a Privy Council on Saturday Parliament was ordered .to be pro- rogued from Thursday last to Thursday December the......
Drily Vrtrnpulig.
Parliament having been prorogued till the 27th of this month, the Lord Chancellor and certain Peers who composed the Royal Commission, appeared in the House of Lords on Thursday......