Philosophical Papers. By N. A. Nicholson, M.A. (Effingham Wilson.) —Such
of these papers as are original are written in that affectedly logical style which the English Deistical writers have commonly chosen. The others are culled from Bentlaam, the Daily Telegraph, Volney, and Combe the phrenologist. Of the subject-matter of a work which we have not space to answer it is best to say nothing, but we think it is hardly fair to put forth a pamphlet distinctly anti-Christian under a title which is apt to mislead. Many readers have no taste for polemics, and deliberately prefer not to disturb the faith in which they have been bred. And when one considers how often religions doubts have pro- duced disastrous results in women or not very strong-minded people, who can say they should be in any way trapped into reading books of a sceptical tendency ?