Philosophical Papers. By N. A. Nicholson, M.a. (effingham...
of these papers as are original are written in that affectedly logical style which the English Deistical writers have commonly chosen. The others are culled from Bentlaam, the......
A Grammar Of The French Language. Third Part. Exorcises By
Henri van Lama. (Triibuor and Co.)—Wo welcome the publication of the completion of M. van Latin's grammar, written for pupils acquainted with Latin. This system connects the......
Visions In Verse; Or, Dreams Of Creation And Redemption....
and- Co.)—It is certainly a thoroughly American idea to treat the problem involved in the existence of sin in a volume of octosyllabic metre, which in its form recalls that of "......
A Romanized Hindiistdni And English Dictionary. By...
and Co.)—Some time ago the possibility of applying the Roman character to the Indian languages was much discussed. The practice has, however, gradually won its way, and its......
Transactions Of The Philological Society. 1864. (asher...
of this verylearned body appear to consist of four treatises of some of which the value very greatly exceeds the attractiveness. First we have a very learned treatise on the......
A Series Of Metric Tables, In Which The British Standard
Measures and Weights are compared with those of the Metric System. By Charles Hutton Dowling. (Lockwood and Cg.)—Whether Mr. Ewart's Bill legalizing the use of the metric system......
Index To The Times." 1863, By J. Giddings. (william...
—The volume for 1862 apparently supplied a public want, as it is now followed by this. The "Index to the Times" bids fair to become an institution. Mr. Giddings has certainly......
Mathematical Exercises. By Samuel H. Winter, F.r.a.s....
Winter is actively engaged in military tuition, and has collected this volume of papers in pure mathematics, statics, dynamics, and hydrostatics. They are carefully arranged in......
The Cairngorm Mountains. By John Hill Burton. (w....
Sons.) —Mr. Burton has here given a curious discursive account of his favourite district for a ramble. His moral, though how ho gets it out of his narrative is not very easy to......
Books Received.
The Backwoodsman, by Sir C. F. L. Wmxall, Bart. ; Askerdale Park, 2 vols. (John Stazwen k Co.)—Black and Gold, by Captain W. H. Patten-Saunders, 3 vols.