[" Behold, this dreamer cometh."]
THEY stripped me bare and left me by the way To pine forsaken in a lonely land ;
They gave me to night-frosts and burning day, To griefs none understand.
They took my silver from me and my gold, The changing splendours of my rich array : Night's silver rain of dew escaped their hold, And the fine gold of day.
On the world's highway in vain pomp they tread; By paths unknown I stray and hidden streams : They took all else and left me there for dead ; They could not take my dreams.
Still, morning comes with marvel as of old ; Still in soft rose descends the eventide ; Still in the castle of my heart, grown bold, The sweet swift thoughts abide.
Pass by, pass by, 0 clamorous folk and wild!
To this last fortress of the soul I cling ;
Men gave me winter weather from a child,
But God has given me spring.
Roprzi FLOWER.