Sir,—perhaps, As One Who, Though No Soldier In The Regular
sense, has seen something of the organisation of two armies, one the American for the Spanish-American War, the other our own in South Africa, I may be allowed a few words in......
[to The Editor Of The " Spectator-1
Sin,—Now that every newspaper is full of complaints, prophecies, and remedies of lack of employment, one feasible solution of the question has, it seems, been overlooked. The......
" Il.4511 Toi Waripow 5i7' Ageivover Eil'alefie Erma."
And it is noteworthy, on the other hand, that it is from the Golden Age of Augustus that there comes Horace's cry of pessimism- " Aetas parentum, pejor avis, tulit Nos......
Srr, — The Article In The Spectator Of October 15th Under...
above heading would be amusing reading were it not that the subject it deals with is too serious for mirth. Surely it is hardly logical, because certain laudatores temporis acti......
You Allow Me Space To Tell Your Readers Of An
opportunity for studying the lives of the poor, and becoming their friend in London over the Border P I have visited there regularly, and have been much struck by the cordial......