will the deceived people at last recover themselves and say
: ' Well, go yourselves, you heartless and godless Tsars, Mikados, Ministers, Bishops, Priests, Generals, Editors, Speculators, or however you may be called, go you yourselves under these shells and bullets, but we do not wish to go and will not go. Leave us in peace to plant and sow and build, and also feed you, you paraeites!"—With this may be mentioned the " War Edition" of Russia: What She Was and What She Is, by Jaakoff Prelooker (Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., 2s. 6d.) The sub-title of this volume is "An Excursion into the Land of Seething Volcanoes," and perhaps the most striking part of it is the description of the "Oppositional and Revolutionary Elements." One of the malcontent groups goes by the significant name of "Terroristic Jehovists." Their war-song declares, among other things, that-
" The Almighty Lord of Heaven Came as a sword double-edged.
And His artillery with wonderful bombs To lead us courageously to the front."